house seats is a subscription based service offering complimentary entertainment and recreation. we find the fabulous offerings, post them on our site, then our members log on to reserve the offerings on a first come first served basis.... keep reading.

Give the gift of entertainment, the perfect gift - house seats! Click here to purchase a gift certificate and they'll love you all year long! Start giving

Love your house seats? Then pass it on! That's how we grow, by your kind referrals... and we want to reward you for talking about us to your friends & family, so, talk us up get your friends and family to join, and earn a free month of membership (plus more!) when you do. Start referring!

There are no stupid questions! Here's a list of the ones we get asked the most, hopefully this will answer yours. IF not, we love open communication. Please click here to email us. We can't wait to hear from you! Ask us!
We've just made things easier...
Take a look around or pick your location to get started.
Once you've chosen your location you can log in just like before.
Once you've chosen your location you can log in just like before.
We have been really excited to introduce to you, a brand new house seats online experience... and now we can. As our customers help us grow, we'll do whatever it takes to make sure your online membership experience is a great one.